
Happy Friday

Hey everyone!  Ever since finding out that we’re having another little lady I’ve been on cloud 9.  I stare at these cute little girl clothes and can’t believe we get to have another little person to dress them in.  It’s amazing to me and I feel so very blessed.  Thank you for all the well wishes and the comments about your families.  My husband and I talked about some of the great things many of you said–especially those familiar with the all girl dynamic–Such great advice and perspective.

As mentioned earlier this week, life is going at a slower pace and I’m definitely behind on my spotlight duties.  I know there are several emails I have yet to get back to in regards to the spotlight, so please be patient with me!  I’m getting there.  In the meantime I thought I’d share this video that my brother sent my way.

After watching the video this is what I said to my brother:

Thanks!  I hadn’t seen that one yet.  While I’m always inspired by these stories and love watching them, I’m no longer surprised.

And it’s true.  Inspired, but not surprised.
Enjoy and have a great weekend!  


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