Whether your guy won or lost, it’s over. Finally. This was a rough election. Some of you are super excited and thrilled beyond belief, while others are deeply saddened and feel really upset. I hope that we can be kind to each other in the aftermath. For some reason this seems like one of the more emotionally charged elections I can ever remember. With a country in such economic turmoil there was a lot riding on this election and emotions ran high. Regardless of political affiliation it’s time to come together as Americans once again, set our differences aside and work together. Who’s in?
So "in". We need to work together.
I'm in!
[email protected]
I'm in. There's so much real work to do…
Well said. People are so passionate about this election, I wish they would put that passion to positive use now to make our country a better place for everyone. We can do a lot of good works with a little kindness, an open mind and heart, and compassion.