

Lamp and I zoo-ed it up today with some friends.  Which was really fun–yay for friends!  We saw elephants, fish, hippos, and monkeys, monkeys and more monkeys.  But by far the most interesting, albeit disgusting, animal sighting of the day was when the above bird land about 2 feet away from us.  What’s that tasty morsel he’s got in his beak you might ask?  A cockroach.  A nasty, still-writing-in-the-birds-beak cockroach.  Oh Texas.  I just never know when I might get a surprise cockroach sighting, so thanks for that.  Points for originality by the way…  

So it’s late and I had planned on editing some photos and doing a decent post, but alas my favorite photo editor is being a little persnickety.  So I’m going to leave you with the above photo from our zoo outing today and call it good.  Also, I’m having major Fall envy right now…major.      
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