
Medical Supplies

To any and all special needs families out there, I have a bunch of g-tube supply stuff and some other random medical supplies that I finally cleaned out of the little ladies closet today.  For some reason I really got the bug to get this stuff out and then had the idea that I should offer this up just in case there is someone out there who really needs it.  One day of g-tube supplies is like $150+ so I know that if you’re between insurance or something the cost can add up fast!   If you recognize any of the stuff below and need it please email me or comment below and I’ll hook you up.  
thislittlemiggy at gmail dot com 

There are some feeding bags, farrell bags and g-tube connector thingys specifically for the g-tube stuff.  We also have a lot  of syringes (big and small), gauze pads, 4″ round optifoam pads, and probably a few more random things.  I sure hope someone out there can use this stuff!  
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