
Special Needs Spotlight

OK you guys, next week marks the return of the Special Needs Spotlight.  I’ve missed it so much and I hope you have too.  Here’s the deal, I need your help!  Please, if you are the parent of a child with special needs and would like to be spotlighted, email me.  If you know someone who you think would make a great spotlight have them email me. Sometime people email me about someone they think would be a great spotlight and while I appreciate any and all emails, unfortunately I just don’t have the time to track people down this way and truthfully it rarely results in a spotlight.  My email is thislittlemiggy at gmail dot com.  If you’ve emailed in the past (especially this past summer) I’m going through my old emails and trying to get in touch with any and everyone who contacted me, but I’m always hopelessly behind on emails so feel free to contact me again!

Can you believe all those beautiful, precious, amazing faces above?  I’ve spotlighted way more than just the 9 pictured here and I can tell you one thing, I love them all.  I love these kids.  They are my kids and they are your kids.  They are precious, priceless with lives of purpose and joy.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again….starting this spotlight was the best decision I’ve ever made in regards to this blog.


Have a great weekend and start sending those emails!

Top:       Wyatt/Lily/Dakota
Middle:  Presley/Lincoln/Davy
Bottom:  Lily/Daylon/Jeremy


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