
No Spotlight

Hey guys, no spotlight today but don’t despair.  People send me links, articles and video’s from time to time featuring other people with limb differences… and I think that’s kinda sweet.  So in lieu of a spotlight today, I thought I’d pass along some of these gems from around the web.  Hope you enjoy!
Everyone and their dog emailed me when a girl with no hands won the national penmanship award.  What a cool accomplishment.
Thank you everyone! (and your dog)
Reader, Elin, from Norway sent me a link with the following explanation:
I just wanted to tell you about a tv-show that has been running on Norwegian tv, “Ingen grenser” – No limits. It’s lead by a man, Lars Monsen, who is famous for doing long expeditions in the wilderness and living most of his life outdoors, and he brings a group of people with different challenges on a hiking trip outdoors. On this last series, a woman with no legs and only one arm went with him and even climbed a mountain 🙂 I think this is awsome. Now, this is tough even for us who have legs and arms, and not all who have disabilities are interested in climbing mountains, but I think this woman is such a good example of how much a person can accomplish with a little bit of help and a lot of determination. Can you imagine Lamp hiking and climbing mountains?
Read the story here.
Finally my grandpa sent this video to me a while ago and I have to say it’s been one of my very favorite person-with-a-limb-difference videos ever.  Not so much the audition (which is very good!) but his story.  If I could fly to Australia and kiss his mom on the check I would.  You may need tissue for this one.  You’ve been warned.
As always, if you or someone you know would like to participate in the special needs spotlight series please email me at thislittlemiggy at gmail dot com.
Have a great weekend!
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