
Netflix it: Being Elmo

If you’re like me you might have seen pictures and previews for this movie Being Elmo and thought…that looks interesting.  And if you’re like me, you put in on your maybe someday docket, and forgot about it.  Well if you’re really like me, then you and your husband scanned through Netflix the other night, made some popcorn, drank some water and decided to watch this movie.  And then you liked it.

This documentary is about Kevin Clash, the man behind the voice of Elmo–which is intriguing all on it’s own.  However, when you learn that Kevin dreamed of being a puppeteer from a very young age and put one foot in front of the other to make that dream happen…I think that’s where this story goes from intriguing to fascinating.  Who dreams of being a puppeteer?  What I like about this movie is that it’s not about putting Kevin on some pedestal or making him out to be the most amazing human being ever.  It’s not a big, loud movie at all… it’s a rather quiet and simple movie about a rather quiet and simple guy.  A guy who followed his dreams and worked hard to get there–oh and he had some kick butt parents that believed in him.  That helps.  It’s an interesting journey to watch and I think there is something inherently magnificent about a man who’s life work has culminated in creating a persona so widely and deeply treasured by very small children.  Additionally, he might be the best-yet-under-recognized actor I’ve ever seen.  

It’s not going to change your life, but if you were ever on the fence about it, I think you should watch it.  It’s a good movie and you heard it from me.

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