
Summa Time

It’s here.  The heat is here.  It’s been in the 90’s this past week and it looks like it’s only going to get hotter from here on out.  You know what I say?  Bring it, San Antonio.  Bring it.  OK, I’m kinda scared.

I can’t believe summer is almost upon us.  I think we’re going to make one of  those summer lists, you know where you make a list of all the things you want to do… such a good idea especially involving the kids.  I feel like we got a jump start on that last week when we finally purchased a picnic table, which we’ve been wanting to do for some time.  We bar-b-que’d and ate our Sunday dinner outside.  It was only 93 degrees.  It’s funny how even the small things–like eating outside–can completely change a typical family experience.  While I’m sorta dreading the coming months of oppressive heat, I’m looking forward to morning outings and spending time with my girls while I still have them all to myself before we start kindergarten in the fall.  (In Texas Kindergarten is all day, every day!  So this is actually quite a big step).  

What’s on your must-do summer list?   
ps.  I forgot to mention this past weekend was also another art-a-thon.  I’ll be reporting back with pics some time this week.  For previous art-a-thon’s see here and here.  
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