
Fake Treats

So I started another sugar-fast in anticipation of our upcoming vacay’s.  Yes it’s for completely vain and self-centered reasons like I want to look super hot for my sweetie while we’re playing hooky from real life in the South Pacific.  (Did I mention we’re going to the South Pacific?  Oh I did?  Well do you want to hear me say South Pacific again?  SOUTH PACIFIC. )  Anywho, I don’t know why I bother really because the first few days of these sugar fasts I’m usually stuffing any and everything in my mouth that’s not sugar in hopes of satiating that sugar craving.  Therefore I’ve gained 2 pounds.  Sigh.  Anyway, here’s hoping it will pay off in the long run.

So my no sugar rule, is really more of a no sweets rule.  I don’t avoid fruit or honey or any food that has sugar, I just avoid treats.  Cakes, candies, chocolate, cookies, ice cream, etc.  And while I’m usually find with just doing that I remembered a couple of fake treats that I thought I might try out.  These are fake treats because while they may look like real treats from the outside, they are made with whole foods and contain no added sugar (or sweeteners–yuck!) and no refined flour.  I thought I’d share them here in case anyone else is looking for some good fake treats this summer as well.

First up are these Pineapple Coconut popsicles.  Simple take 1 can of pineapple, 1 can of coconut milk, 1 banana and 1/2 tsp vanilla.  Blend all together, then pour into popsicle molds and freeze.  No added sugar and vegan/gluten free/dairy free to boot.  If you care about those things.  They have a really mellow flavor–in fact I think I may have added more banana–but they’re good.  Probably not something your kids will crave, but good adult popsicles.  Found via Pinterest.  

This next non-treat treat comes from my fellow blog friend Melancholy Smile.  (Hopefully she’s OK with me sharing this recipe and her gorgeous photo above!)  Now I usually hate it when someone tries to give me a ‘healthy’ treat recipe and tells me Seriously, you can’t even tell these are healthy.  Because seriously, I can.  We can all tell when we’re eating a real cookie vs. a healthy cookie.  But I have to say, these really did surprise me.  Like I would eat these in real life….as opposed to my fake sugar-free life.  They’re so good I almost don’t think I should be eating them during a treat fast, but then I look at the ingredients and feel great about it.   There are no refined sugar or flours in these, yet they are nothing but chocolaty goodness.  They are no bake and come together quickly.  Once again vegan/gluten free/dairy free.  See full recipe here.  

What about you?  Any too-good-to-be-true non-treat treats to share with me?  
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