
Sweating the Small Stuff

Besides the fact that this isn’t the most flattering picture of either of us (no that’s not a double-triple chin, it’s Lamps arm!) there are two things about this picture that make me sad.  

1.  My long, flowing, high pony-tailed, wavy hair.

2.  The scarf in said long, flowy hair.

1.  So here it is…the regret.

I am regretting the midnight chop-a-thon in my bathroom those many months ago.  I see pictures of my long hair and I miss it.  I see pictures of my hair in a high pony, a ballet bun and I think…oi, what did I do?

But then I remember….your hair was falling out in record mumbers (post partum), it was hot, hot, hot and you needed change remember?  You needed to do something gutsy.

So there is it…damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

But at the moment, it sucks.  I’ve been doing everything I can to pretend like it’s long again.  Mainly, headbands with a barely-there, low bun on the nape of my neck.  I’m not fooling anyone, especially not myself.      

I’ve had short hair before and loved it and so I thought I’d love it again.  But I don’t.  My hair doesn’t grow fast either.  I’m stuck.  Sad.

2.  Now for the scarf.  I’ve lost it.  It’s gone.  And for a little piece of fabric it’s really bumming me out.

I’ve had that little turquoise scarf since high school.  It’s from the Gap–where I worked in high school–and it’s been a little constant in my life for many, many years.  The perfect color, the perfect size.  Like a mini security blanket I wore in my hair.  I’ve worn it around my neck–when that was cool–but mostly it’s been tied in the perfect size knot for a headband for years.  I’ve used it  to hold back my hair when washing my face or as the perfect last minute accessory for any occasion.  It’s one of those things that I’ve lost track of time and time again, but I always find it eventually.  However, the last time I really remember seeing it was in September.  I have looked high and low.  It’s gone.  

I know what you’re thinking…These are not real problems.  

But if someone were to ask me, What are the biggest problems in your life….in reference to your hair?

Without a doubt I would answer, Cutting my hair and losing my favorite scarf are the two biggest, most troublesome, monumental problems in my life….in regards to my hair. 

See?  Real problems.

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