
Special Needs Spotlight: Wyatt



Hi guys.  Soooo glad to be back with a new spotlight!  I can’t tell you how blessed I feel to be doing this series.  Truly.  As far as this blog is concerned these spotlights are by far the best decision I’ve ever made.  So I find my spotlight participants through various means–some people email me, some people send me other people’s info, etc–but this spotlight was someone whose blog I came across a while ago all on my own and have found it to be quite uplifting and inspiring.  For some reason I was a little gun shy to email and ask for her participation…I don’t know why, maybe a little blog-star-struck?!  Anyway, once again I am extremely grateful to Bree and her willingness to share her thoughts as well as her son Wyatt with us.  I love this kid, I really do.  And I know you will too.  
Enjoy Bree and her little Bugg Wyatt!   
My name is Bree.  I have my dream job:  wife and mother.  Brian, my husband, and I are parents to three, soon to be four, children!   I believe this life was meant for joy.  To live it, to share it.  That’s why I blog at The Bugg’s *Special* Life.  While I love celebrating life with cookies, picnics, twirly skirts, and tea parties, it’s really the little moments that I’ve come to cherish.  A lesson that our special son, Wyatt the “Bugg” taught me.  Bugg was born with an undiagnosed brain abnormality.  He is missing his Septum Pellucidum and partially missing the Corpus Callosum.  He also has Cortical Vision Impairment.  Bugg is five years old, cannot walk, talk, or do anything for himself.  He is the healthiest and happiest kid I’ve ever known!
Miggy:  I can’t remember when I first came across your blog but I remember being struck with your complete positivity and joy about your little Bugg.  I’m assuming there was a time when it wasn’t so easy…can you take me back to the day you knew your son was going to have special needs?  Do you remember how you felt?  How did you get to where you are now–was it gradual or a pretty quick transition? And do you still have down days?  (I know that’s like 5 questions…sorry!)
Bree:  At our 20 week ultrasound appointment, the technician announced, “it’s a boy!”  A boy, what fun!  We already had a girl and it would be a thrill to have a boy.  She then said, “I found something” and proceeded to tell us that our baby’s brain ventricles were enlarged.  My heart felt like it would explode with pain.  We were told over and over by a perinatologist that we wouldn’t know what Wyatt’s diagnosis would be, or what his life would be like until he was born.  At birth, he appeared to be okay.  He looked so cute and healthy.  Wyatt’s diagnosis was unclear.  He was simply missing a huge section of his brain.  Still not knowing what this would mean for him, the waiting game continued.  I knew something was very different.  I was numb with heartache.  It was hard for me to be present and enjoy the life I had.  I was always searching for a diagnosis, paranoid to the hilt of what might happen.
As the months passed by, it was clear that Wyatt was very delayed.  He wouldn’t hold his head up or focus on anything.  He wasn’t rolling over, reaching for toys, crawling…….I was so crushed and devastated.  And then the seizures started.  How could I have any joy in my life raising a child with special needs?!!!
As Wyatt got older, it was very obvious that he’d need a wheelchair.  I couldn’t even imagine putting my child in a wheelchair.  I dreaded it.  But when that day came, I found myself so overjoyed to see him sitting up and supported in a comfortable chair!  It was a wonderful and freeing feeling to love him for who he was.  I had finally learned to love him completely.  Nothing had changed for him.  I had changed.  I saw BUGG and not our handicapped child.
Since that day, things got easier and happier and better.  I began to see life with new eyes.  I started noticing the beautiful details of God’s amazing world and the life He had blessed me with.  Each day was like a blank page to fill with lots of happy balloons and smiley faces.  I found reasons to celebrate the mundane, the monotonous, the seemingly boring everyday rituals.  It was my miracle.  Sure, I have down days.  Like eeeeeeverybody else.  And I cope just the same with some tears, cookies, and pajamas!
Miggy:  I know your son falls under the “undiagnosed” category, but could you explain how Wyatt’s specific special needs affects your day to day life? 
Bree:  Wyatt cannot do anything for himself.  We dress, feed, change, and do everything for him.  He can sit up for a minute or so, and stand supported.  He can bat at toys if we give them to him.  Bugg eats everything that we feed him, it just has to be pureed since he can’t chew.  He is in perfect health!  And seizure free for almost 2 years (fingers crossed).
Now that I’m pregnant, things are getting very tricky trying to lift him and care for him.  I have a very helpful husband, family, and neighbors.  He also goes to Kindergarten so we’ll work it out.
Miggy:  What are the biggest worries you face for Bugg?   
Bree:  Bugg is perfect.  He doesn’t have to experience any sorrows or disappointments in this life.  I’m so grateful for that.  My only worry, really, is that someday I won’t be able to lift him.  Or care for him.  But he is so surrounded by loved ones that I know he’ll always have what he needs.
Miggy:  Now for a lighter question, have you ever had any funny conversations/moments you never imagined due to your special needs situations?
Bree:  Bugg gets the giggles quite often.  In the most random places and times.  So what are we supposed to do when he is busting up during church?  Laugh with the rest of them is what we do.
Miggy:  How can people best approach or respond to Bugg? Is there something you wish other people knew so as to avoid awkward or hurtful situations? 
Bree:  I wish more people, including children, would say “Hi” to Wyatt and ask me about him.  I LOVE sharing his joy with others.  The best thing a stranger said to me one day at the park was, “Will you tell me about your son?” with a huge and interested smile.  She immediately became my kindred friend!
Miggy:  What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned since becoming a special needs mom?   
Bree:  I’ve learned to cherish each of my children for who they are.  Each one is so special and brings so much joy in their own way.  I’ve learned to celebrate the grand moments, as well as the small ones.
Thanks again to Bree and Wyatt!  And remember, if you know of someone who would make a great spotlight please email me at thislittlemiggy at gmail dot com.  This could also be for adult special needs children as well. (Ahem, Linda?)  I need all the help I can get!  Thanks and have a great weekend! 
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