
The Curse of San Antonio

PSP saying good bye to Magda, a causality of the curse
We didn’t get the minivan yet.  We were actually supposed to get it a week and a half ago.  It’s a great minivan but one of the back seats was broken so they promised to fix it first.  Well turns out that they basically just have to replace the whole seat and it’s taken 2 weeks to figure this out.  They even tried to take the deal off the table claiming that fixing the seat would wipe out their profit.  Long story short, we made them keep their promise and the seat is being repaired as we speak.  There’s more to the story than that, but regardless of the seat debacle we know what’s really going on here.  It’s the curse of San Antonio.  Since we’ve moved here everything we’ve tried to accomplish or do or get has had a hitch in it.  Everything.  We were starting to get really frustrated, and then it dawned on us…it’s a curse!  Duh.  Remember how when we moved here half our stuff didn’t arrive?  The curse.  Troubles with doctors and Lamp’s fevers?  The curse.  Getting our new furniture delivered only to have a part of our couch broken?  The curse.  Paying to have our car shipped out only to have it break down a month later?  The curse.  Selling that car to carmax and getting home only to discover they gave us someone else’s check?  The curse.  Buying a new car and having it delayed for 2 weeks?  The curse.  And even last night we finally pulled the trigger on a new flatscreen TV.  We brought it home, set it up and turns out it doesn’t fit in our entertainment system.  B was so concerned about width he forgot to measure the height.  But really, it was the curse.  The bad thing about all the curse business is it really takes the excitement out of things.  We were so excited for our new minivan, but now we’re all just give us our friggin’ car.  However it’s not all doom and gloom… Now that we have a logical explanation for all the lameness going around here we can just laugh about our bad luck and proclaim, it’s the curse!  Besides, it’s not like curses last forever right?  Ha ha ha.  Right?    
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