
Back to School…Fool

Well we did it..we found a pre-school for Sparkle Pants that I think she’s going to love and it started this past week.  Taking a cue from Nie I really like the idea of a special back-to-school dinner.  So the night before school I sort of threw something together and ta-da, our age-appropriate theme this year is responsibility.  A wise boss I had once had taught, fun is only fun if you have responsibility.  I love that saying and I couldn’t agree more.  If kids (or adults) are allowed to have fun constantly, it’s interesting how quickly “fun” turns to boredom and then entitlement for bigger and more fun.  I hope that by helping the little miss learn about responsibility she’ll also learn more about gratitude and that she can help our home run a little smoother.  I found the toddler/preschool age chore chart at Dandee  here.

Sparkle Pants took to her new class room like a fish to water and of course there were no tears.  She walked right in and within 3 minutes was painting a picture…I snapped this on my way out.  There are certain parts of parenting that just get me more excited than others, and for some reason having kids in school is one of them.  I think it has to do with the age level, back to school shopping, new friends, volunteering to help with field trips and class parties….something about it all just excites me.  Although when she starts going to school full-time I may be singing a different tune.

One more thing off the stresser list.
Now if we could just get some crisp back-to-school weather.
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