
This Morning

Some yellow cleaning gloves + a 4 year old imagination and you’ve got chicken feet.  Just a little glimpse into our morning.  
It seems we’re having a hard time getting back into the groove of things.  I’m trying to get the girls back on a schedule and that means I want Lampy napping at home.  So that and the 90+ degree weather means we’re starting to get a little cabin fever-y/bored.  Which means I may or may not be letting Princess Sparkle watch too much TV.  Which means I may or may not be feeling like a neglectful mom.  So it goes.  
The good news is that we’ve finally got our clearance for San Antonio.  Phew!  We’re so so so so grateful this happened.  We were already feeling a little up against the wall for time, but things are going to be fine.    We still have plenty to do in the next month, but it’s doable.  Now if we can just find a great home for the next 3 years we’ll be set.  
Finally, I have a book recommendation for you.
Unbroken:  A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience and Redemption.  
by Laura Hillenbrand
Go get this book now.  
Or put in on hold at your local library.
Just do it.    
This is the last book I’m reading for my farewell bookgroup’s meeting and it was a great choice.  I’m not yet half-way through this book but it’s gooood.  Really, really good.  I’m a sucker for WWII non-fiction so this is right up my ally.  For some reason reading WWII era books always makes me realize how easy I have it and how beautiful and fragile life is at the same time.  Read more about it here.  
Any summer reading you’d like to recommend?  
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