
Big Girl

Yesterday was a big day for Lamp, in more ways than one.  First, she was fitted for a prosthetic arm.  I have mixed emotions about this. I’ve really been pushing for this and have wanted to get her fitted ASAP so that she could get used to it and start working with it as soon as possible.  I’m excited at the prospect of her being able to use both arms to grab and hold an object, and just to work towards being more self reliant in general.  So it’s good, it’s really, really good.  Plus, the reason she couldn’t get fitted before was because they want to wait until she could sit up.  So even though she can’t be left alone yet while sitting by herself she is sitting up.  Booyeah.  Double goods.  B and I have marveled at her progress this last month.  It was just a couple weeks ago I wrote about her not being able to do some of the things Sparkle Pants could do at this age, but in less than a month she’s made some serious progress.  Not only is she sitting up, but she has started rolling over all. by. herself.  And this has just been in the past few days.  Yesterday she rolled onto her tummy 3 times.  Ha–Triple goods!   Take that 8 months.
On the other hand, I love her short little arm.  It’s so cute all on it’s own so I’m a little sad that it will be covered up.  I love how when I’m feeding her she uses her little arm to poke me right in the ribs and tickle me, sometimes to the point of laughter.  So that’s the down side, maybe it’s a lame downside but there it is.   Yesterday when we went to our appointment at the prosthetic place I wasn’t sure what would happen.  She sits up a lot better, but like I said not yet to the point where you can leave her unsupervised so I wasn’t sure if she was still ready for a prosthetic arm.  But she is.  It will still take 2-3 weeks before she gets the arm–her magic arm as we’ve told Sparkle Pants (Lieutenant Dan, you’ve got magic legs!)–but it’s a little strange to think we’re actually doing this.  I’m excited for the potential this magic arm could bring, but still…it’s foreign territory.  Not all kids respond well to prosthetics, so it’s really up to her if she decides to use it or not.  Only time will tell.
In honor of her being such a big girl I decided that since I posted a video of Princess Sparkle talking in NumberPhone, I thought I should show a video of Lampy too.  She is quite the talker this one.  Chatty, chatty, chatty.  And she loves to sing, so here we are doing a little duet.  Enjoy.
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