
Ideas That Would Change My Life

These days I find myself driving around a lot while a couple of girlies slumber in the back seat.  Sometimes I take the opportunity to just enjoy the spontaneous double nap (without the work of putting a baby down or coaxing an over-tired toddler to her big girl bed for quiet time again!) and I drive.  If only one girlie falls asleep, then I usually head home and take my chances with the transition from car to bed.  But if both girls are asleep I drive.  I’ve been known to drive around town for over an hour just to keep these sleeping beauties snoozing while I enjoy the silence.  And while I sometimes don’t mind a good drive as a way to clear my head or to explore new parts of town, lately I find myself wishing for a way to also do a couple of errands at the same time.  But since it’s not 1948 and I don’t live in small town America, I can’t just leave my kids asleep in the car while I pop in the corner mart for a gallon of milk.  So I’ve come up with some good ideas, services if you will, that I really wish were offered in this modern day and age.  
In my brave new perfect world I could do my grocery shopping online and then pick up my order later.  Yes, New York City and I’m sure some other places offer on line grocery shopping with delivery, but what about the rest of us?  How great would it be to shop online and then pick up your items in a drive thru lane?  You don’t have to stop the car and you don’t have to get out.  You just motion to the guys who are bringing out the groceries that the kiddos are asleep in the backseat and they’ll quietly place all groceries in your trunk and you’re good to go.  As a substitute for this idea I’d also accept just have a drive thru grocery store.  It would be mainly for essentials–milk, eggs, bread, toilet paper–but that would be awesome.  (I’ve actually heard these places exist…anyone out there a beneficiary of such a grocery store or is this just urban legend?)  
My other idea would be “sleeping baby parking.”  You know a place where you can pull up to the store in a special parking area, grab a ticket and someone sits in the car, or just watches the car while the kids sleep and you have up to 30 minutes to dash inside for a quick errand.  Of course this is more like curbside baby-sitting, and they’d have to be licensed, trained, back-ground checked, cpr certified, etc, but again…awesome.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had the following conversation in my head:  If I could just pull in and leave the car running while the girls sleep just for a second I could grab that one item in like 2 minutes.  I have another set of keys, I could just lock the car and watch it from the front window….right?  That’s OK isn’t it?  Nope.  Not an option.  But there’s got to be some way this could work…It would be so quick.  Nope.  It really doesn’t work.  You can’t do it.  See you could even have an account with each store so they know your policy, like  If baby wakes up you can give her a bottle, but do not pick her up or get her out of her seat.  If toddler starts crying give her some chocolate.   You just give them your account number and boom!–you got 30 minutes in home depot with no cranky half asleep kids. 
  Who do we write to get this going?  Our congresswoman?  Oprah? 
What are your make-a -moms-life-easier ideas?       
Also, look what I got for Valentines Day.  They are so comfy.  
Awww, isn’t he sweet?    
(ps–he found them at our local Nordstroms and they were even cheaper than online)
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