

Today is the day we’re checking into the hospital and getting this g-tube hooked up to a pump and so our cute little bug can be fed automatically at night!  Ha!  Isn’t that what every mother of a newborn hopes for?  Forget dishwashers and washing machines, the inventions us mothers really want are the-put-the-baby-to-sleep-er and the feed-the-baby-at-night-machine.  Well guess what??  I’m getting that machine!   
(See what I’m doing?  I’m finding the silver lining.  So please don’t tell me how you’d hate a machine to do the work of nurturing your children for you….I’m not serious.  Well, I’m kinda serious…cuz a feed your baby at night machine is pretty sweet.)  
So I’m signing off for the week but I have a request.  I’m going to be in the hospital for 24 hours and it’s probably going to be BORING.  I’ll have my ipad though.  I can’t post, but I can do all sorts of interneting, so how about you send me something to occupy my time.  It could be a good song, an article, your new band obsession, your favorite blog, funny pictures, funny videos whatever.  
Thanks guys I knew I could count on you.  
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