
You Say It’s My Birthday…

I love this picture. 
But not nearly as much as the two girlies in it.  My little angels.  These two have a special bond.  Daddy and I can do jumping jacks while standing on our head and juggling poodles… and Lamp will smile.  But when big sister walks in the room she starts to giggle her little head off.  They are so lucky to have each other.  We are so lucky to have them.    
So it’s my birthday.  Last year at this time I did a lil’ birthday post on how blissfully wonderful life is, how I never knew I would have it so good.  Little did I know what would be in store for us just around the corner.  Finding out about Lamp’s condition, a crazy pregnancy, another round of PPD, lots and lots of doctor’s appointments, surgery for my little one, and additional g-tube drama all the way until New Year’s Eve.  I really couldn’t have predicted all the ups and downs this past year would bring, but here’s the best part….I wouldn’t change a thing.  While I hope for a little less craziness in the year to come, all in all it’s been a great year.  
Happy Birthday to me.
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