
I Did Not Shred Today

Tonight I did the opposite of shred…I think I coagulated?  Jellied?  I dunno, but it involved pecan pie and hot cocoa, both of which were topped with whipped cream.  Yeah I totally earned it.  Anyway, I’m signing off for the week as I’ve got lots of craziness ahead.  
Oh boy…I haven’t been feeling super up-beat today.  I’m nervous.  Maybe more than a little.  My sweet little Lamp is having surgery and you know she’s got enough on her plate and did you know some people think a person with limb differences is ‘scary’ and blech!  It’s just one of those maybe this is going to be harder than I thought days.  OK I’m done.  I think.  Please pray for us.  I’m not sure if that’s a strange plea to give on line to total strangers (even though I’ve asked before) but there it is.  
Arrrgh!  See?  I’m just off today.  (Deep breath) 
So anyway…
Merry Christmas!  
Have a safe and happy holiday! 
*I don’t even remember where I found this photo…I’m probably going to get sued. 
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