
30 Day Shred

I’ve officially been shredded.  
I’m not one to necessarily start goals on New Year’s so there was no reason to wait….I’ve been wanting to attack my post baby body for a while now but not really sure how.  Going to the gym with 2 kids just takes so much more time than I’m wanting to put in right now.  I want something that’s quick yet effective.  Enter Jillian.  These are 20 minute workouts that really kick your butt.  It’s based on a 3-2-1 system.  3 minutes of strength, 2 minutes of cardio and 1 minute of abs.  And you keep doing these 6 minute intervals until you’re pretty much wiped out. The original idea is for me to get up a little early in the morning and do this quick workout before the kiddies are up.  Of course that means I’ve got to get to bed before 11 and so far that’s been pretty tough. But even if I don’t get up extra early, 20 minutes isn’t too much of an inconvenience that I don’t mind doing it in the evening either, which is what I did last night.  I did the first workout–the easiest one–and it was definitely a challenge.  I couldn’t do it all out and that’s good–room to grow.  Even though it was intense, I thought, hey that wasn’t too bad.  Then I went down the stairs a few minutes later and my legs were spaghetti noodles.  I think Jillian would be pleased.  It’s only been 1 day, so I’ll hold off on a full fledged recommendation but so far so good.  But if you look on Amazon this work-out has great reviews…so there you go.  And I just downloaded it from itunes instead of having to go out and track it down in the stores…another bonus.  
What are your suggestions for a quick and effective work out?  
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