
Shopping Rules

This might seem like a little turn from my typical post, but I’m doing it anyway… Having lived on a student and resident income for the past few years we’ve managed to learn to live on a budget.  While I may not be the guru of all things frugal,  I like to think I’ve learned how to make an Anthopologie gift card stretch…or whatever currency you happen to use.  I think I started to hone these rules back in high school when I worked in retail at The Gap.  I’m not a fashionista by any means but I do enjoy style and clothing and I definitely believe that looking good helps you feel good.  So again, I’m no expert but I do have some helpful rules when it comes to shopping…so here they are:
1.  Only buy stuff you love.  Yes, LOVE.  I personally don’t think it’s enough to just buy stuff you like (except for basics like tank tops, socks, etc).  I’d rather have fewer clothes I really like, than a lot of clothes I’m not that into.  Sometimes it’s love at first sight.  Other times I’m not sure how deep my feelings run for a particular item so I simply place it on hold.  If I’m still thinking about that item later and really want it I know I can go back and get it.  More often than not I forget about it and then I know I didn’t really like it that much.  
2.  Don’t be afraid to exchange or return.  This goes along with number 1.  When I buy something I always make sure to keep the receipts in the same place.  When I get home if it’s something I can’t wait to wear the next day or two, I know I really like it and want to keep it.  But if it’s something that sits in the bag for a few days, and I try it on again and still can’t quite figure out if I love it…then it goes back.  I’m pretty sure every Anthropologie I’ve ever shopped at knows me as the girl who’s always returning stuff.  I’m OK with that.  
3.  Don’t be afraid to spend a little more if it’s something you really love.  As I mentioned above, I worked at The Gap in high school.  Since I worked on a pretty regular basis I could keep an eye on my favorite items, wait for them to go on sale and then use my discount to score some great deals.  The down side was that I got in the habit of buying things because they were super duper cheap, rather than because I actually liked them.  Therefore I occasionally found myself the proud owner of clothes I got a killer deal on, but never actually wore.  Which is one of the main caveats of clothing…you’re supposed to wear them.   Sometimes we can get so caught up in a good deal that we don’t really stop to think if we like the item as much as we like the price.  At some point I decided that it was OK to spend a little more on something if I was actually going to wear it, vs. spending much less on something I wasn’t going to wear that much.  With that being said I’ve had items I’ve LOVED that cost $5 and items I’ve loved that cost $100.  It doesn’t have to be expensive to love it, but my point is if you have the money and you’re debating between 3 shirts for $50 that you kinda like, vs. 1 shirt for $50 dollars that you really like….I think the second option is a better investment.   

4.   Shop at stores with all different price points.  Now I keep mentioning Anthropologie because it’s a favorite, as is J. Crew.  But I also love Old Navy and Goodwill.  No matter my budget I pretty much don’t count anything out.  Partly because like I said I’m willing to spend more sometimes, but also because you can still find great deals at stores that you might think are out of your price range.  One of my favorite pairs of jeans right now came from J. Crew.  I got them for $20.00.  (I was actually pregnant at the time and wasn’t positive they’d fit me when I was done being prego…so I made sure to keep the receipt…but lucky me they fit.)  

5.  Watch for items to go on sale.  I know this is obvious, but I’m going to say it anyway.  I almost never pay full price….I don’t see why you would.  And with the internet it’s easier than ever.  If an item is sold out at the store, be sure to go online.  And if it’s sold out on line too here’s another little trick:  Try to get the item number online (not a problem if the item is still listed in other sizes and colors than the one you wanted.)  Call the company’s customer service number and ask them if they can find any stores with that particular item in the size and color you want.  Start with stores in your area, but if it’s not in your area the person can give you the locations of the stores where the item is still in stock.  Then you can call around and buy the item over the phone and have it shipped to you.  Sounds extreme, but I do this all the time.  I once did this once for a coat I really wanted and eventually found it in Arizona.  That was like 8 years ago and I still love and wear this coat.  

6.  Stick to a budget.  I like clothes as much as the next girl, but they’re only clothes… and at the end of the day if I can’t afford it I just feel worse about the purchase than if I had passed it up.  Sometimes you have to save up, but it’s a much better option than buying things you know you can’t afford.

So there it is.  I’ve given away all my secrets.  
I won’t be surprised if I’m nominated for the nobel prize in shopping.  
Any tips you’d like to share?      

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