
Happy Thanksgiving

Remember in the movie Weird Science when Gary and Wyatt think they’re going to have a little get together and when they open the front door there are hundreds of people who show up ready to party at Wyatt’s house?  If that reference is a little before your time perhaps you’ll remember in the movie 10 Things I Hate About You when that one nerdy kid is planning on a small social gathering only to (again) have hundreds of kids show up and he suddenly realizes his lone cheese ball isn’t going to cut it?  Same thing happens in Mean Girls.  I could go on and on….the teen film genre is full of this stuff….Anyway, my point being that’s sorta how I felt the past couple of days as I opened up my humble little blog to a few new friends only to have a mass of traffic that I was slightly unprepared for.  Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate and love the new company, but I find myself thinking Oh shoot, I should have had more posts ready….did I give the right links?  Oh man, my banner is way outdated…I should really have that spruced up a bit… and so on.  So instead of freaking out like Wyatt, nerdy kid and Cady, I’m going to adopt Cher’s attitude from her epic high school debate speech in Clueless and remember…the more the merrier!  That metaphor doesn’t really translate, because it’s not like all the extra visitors are unwelcome–quite the contrary–but I just wasn’t prepared for such a high response….so hopefully you catch my drift.  
Anyway, to all you newcomers, welcome.  I hope you enjoy our little neck of the blogosphere.  I’ve really appreciated your kind and uplifting comments.  Thanks.
I’m going to be signing off for the rest of the week to enjoy a lovely Thanksgiving weekend.  I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend too.  I’m so grateful for my life and all the wonderful people in it.  Especially these three–the Chilean miner, Snow White and Sleepy.  
And just a quick update… Lamp is going to get some testing done on her stomach on Monday.  Again it was the mother of 5 who pretty much made it happen.  The down side of this testing is that Lampy can’t eat for 4 hours prior to testing and the 3 procedures will last about an our and a half.  So no eating for 5+ hours…basically baby torture.  Especially for one who eats so frequently.  Poor thing.  But hopefully it will pay off and we’ll have some answers soon.  Yay.  
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