

We had some of our besties from NYC visiting us the past few days.  Blogging was on the back burner while eating pie, playing with babies and swapping stories was on the forefront.  The last time we were with these guys we had 1 kid between the 4 of us… and now a mere 18 months later there are 4 kids!  Multiply and replenish indeed.  
Additionally, I just want to shed some light on a little conspiracy I’ve stumbled upon.  In my professional opinion I think Lamp might be the most delightful baby in the world.  And I can say this even after having some occasional off days recently (short naps, crying more than usual, etc).  I honestly didn’t know babies could be like this.  I didn’t know babies could be so pleasant and sweet to have around.  She is delightful.  I have to practice significant restraint when hugging and cuddling that one because I just want to squeeze the stuffing out of her…she is just that adorable.  In fact, she’s so sweet and cute I found myself ready to proclaim that I was officially reversing my “I’m not a baby person” stance.  But then I was like…Wait a minute.  Get a hold of yourself woman.  This is totally a trick.  Heavenly Father sends you the cutest most pleasant baby in the whole world so that you think maybe we’ll have just one more kid and then wham!  Next thing you know you’ve got colicky triplets with severe acid reflux.
Not. falling. for. it.  
Nice try though.  
I’ll just continue to enjoy this little love of mine and count my lucky stars she ever came into our lives.     
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