
Surviving Motherhood

Forgive me if I sound like a broken record, but motherhood has been on my mind lately.  Now I have to say, Lamp is quite the sweetheart.  I was struggling a few weeks ago, but things have gotten a lot better (knock on wood).  She’s a delightful baby.  So this isn’t so much about Lamp, but I’ve still been intrigued with this idea of survival.  Especially when it comes to babies.  When I’m struggling with motherhood it always helps me to talk to other moms.  And in this conversing, I’ve heard some interesting tales of survival.  
One family told me about duct taping their daughter’s car seat to the dryer while it was running because that was the only way she would sleep.  So for a whole week they slept by the dryer while it ran all night long so they too could get some much needed rest.  Another friend left a comment on my blog about putting movies in her dvd player before bed, because when her son was up in the middle of the night she would watch entire movies while trying to rock him back to sleep.  Personally, our most extreme example was the fact that Beanie slept well when there was loud, white noise in the background.  So we recorded a blow dryer sound and made it into a 40 minute track on our ipod.  We played that sound with the volume on full blast for every nap and at night, all night long.  And since she slept in our room we all had to sleep with a super loud static sound playing all night, every night, for a year.  A YEAR.  At the time we were just doing what we needed to do…in hindsight it was brutal.  
With all the sleepless nights and hours of crying (mom and baby) and crazy hormones, sometimes I think it’s amazing that any of us make it through parenthood.  So I’m curious…when it comes to your babies what have you done in the name of survival?  I want to hear your crazy tales and how you made it through.    
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