
Mommy’s First Day

It’s my first day of pre-school today!  Yay!  
I get to be the helper mom.  I’m pretty sure this will count as one of the few times in Beanie’s life where she is excited rather than embarrassed that her mommy’s coming to school with her.  
one of my favorite prego pics with this silly girl…I’m loving the double thumbs up with that face. 
I have to admit that this little 3 year old’s co-dependent relationship with her mama is a tad suffocating at time.  She wants to sit super close at dinner, she wants me (not dad!) to brush her teeth, put her to bed, change her clothes, rub her back, cut her food, read her stories, get her milk, etc, etc.  But for a little lady whose world shifted when she became a big sister, she’s done really well.  She’s my big helper and my bff.  So while there are days when it’s a little much, I try to soak it up now before the inevitable mother/daughter clashing wars that surely lay ahead (trust me, it’s hereditary…there’s no skipping this one).  So for now I’m excited to go with my bestie to school,  to be her helper for the day, and to let her show me the ropes.    
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