

A couple of weeks ago I was feeling overwhelmed and full of worry about Lamp’s condition.  I found myself thinking things like, If only she a hand…just one hand… or if her left arm were just a little longer, then she could probably do so much more…  I know it’s natural for a mom to worry and want more for her child, but at the same time I was starting to really get down about the whole situation.  It wasn’t good.  Then I saw this video about a boy named Gabe, and I’ve been feeling much better ever since.
I know Gabe’s life and story isn’t Lamp’s life and story, but it certainly inspired me and helped me to see her once again for what she has vs. what she doesn’t have.  Which is ironic since that’s how I want other’s to see her…funny that I needed the reminder myself.  I know I’m only human and I’m going to have my up’s and down’s, but I’m pretty sure Gabe’s mom is super-human.  I love moms like her.  And I love kids like Gabe… I can do it.  I can do it with a smile on my face.  Amazing.        
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