
Busy Bee

Another great sister picture….Beanie styled this one herself.    
It’s just one of those crazy, busy weeks…so I probably won’t be posting.  I’ll see you next week.  
But oh, I just had an idea….if there any questions you’ve been dying to ask me–either about Lamp or our family or how I manage to stay so awesomely cool–go ahead and ask it in the comments section.  I’m taking a cue (read: totally ripping off) from my friend Reagan.  She got some good questions and it made for some interesting posts, so if you have any crazy questions you’ve been wanting to ask post it in the comments and I’ll answer them next week.  And if you’re afraid I might get offended go ahead and make in anonymous.  And if no one asks any questions, well then I might just make them up and post them myself.  So either way…      
Later Skaters.  
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