

It’s no secret, so you might as well know….I’m not a baby person.  As hard as I try to have a positive attitude about babies–about my baby–it’s tough.  I LOVE her to death, but if someone offered me a time machine that would transport me a few months into the future I’d take it.  I would say we’ve been doing pretty well, some days even great.  And I measure that by the amount of anxiety I feel on the whole…and so far my anxiety about Lamp and her lack of a schedule has been pretty low.  But all it takes is one day (that would be yesterday) and I find myself full of doubt and worry (what if she does this for months?  This could be normal, but what if there’s something I’m doing or not doing that would solve everything?)  
And the problems I’m referring to?  Sleep of course.  Here’s the crux of my worry…she’s hard to get to sleep and to stay asleep.  At night she does OK, but in the day not so great and the naps seem short lived. So far her demeanor is perplexing.  She’s a good baby in the sense that she is calm when she’s awake (as long as she’s not hungry or tired) and therefore you’d think she’d be easy to get to sleep, but so far it’s a complete guessing game.  She can be very, very tired…and I’m soothing her and nursing her and she’s nodding off….and it still can take an hour.  Or more.  And if I try to put her down while nodding off?  Forget it…she’s instantly awake.  Sometimes she falls asleep in her carseat while being walked or while riding in the car…but sometimes not.   So needless to say I spend a lot of time holding and feeding her.  Hours.  A day.  And that gets old quick.  Now perhaps 5 weeks is still too young to say whether or not she’s a good sleeper…and perhaps it’s true that babies really are at their peak fussy period from 5-6 weeks and thus this recent upswing in sleeping difficulty is right on schedule, but whatever it is I don’t like it.  Now perhaps you’re thinking…So what?  It sounds like she doesn’t want to go to sleep, so let her stay up?   Then I have a very over-tired girl on my hands and getting her to sleep is all the more difficult.  Grrr….
And in case you’re wondering what I’ve tried…well what haven’t I tried?  Yes I swaddle.  I use Mylicon and Gripe Water just in case.  I burp her.  I’ve darkened her room and use white noise.  I try to make sure she’s not awake more than 2 hours (and usually start soothing to sleep long before that) and I encourage pacifier use.  
So please… humor me… reassure me.  This is normal right?  Or at least not un-heard of?  Does it just pass or should I be more proactive?  What tricks can you pass along?  (She doesn’t like the swing fyi).  I’m a fan of Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child but so far I’m struggling to find anything really helpful.  Do you think it’s too early to start to train a baby to sleep with a bedtime routine (but not crying it out…yet).  Or if you have no advice, at least help me feel better by sharing your frustrating baby stories.  Thanks.  
Arrgh, this too shall pass, this too shall pass….
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