
A (small) Project

Another great thing that happened this past weekend was the completion of a (very small) project! As a mom I really treasure my ‘me time’ for creative outlets like painting and sewing. I knew having a new baby meant projects would be on hold for a while, but this past weekend I got a little project finished that’s been on my to do list for a while. I don’t know if you remember this doll bed I got at a garage sale, but I’ve been wanting to make a mattress for it ever since I bought it. It didn’t take very long at all but I was so happy to finally have it done. It’s funny how the completion of a little project feels so good. So here it is.
For the inside padding I used two different layers. One of extra thick batting and the other being some foam the hubs brought back from work. Then I just made an envelope style pillow case enclosure out of the blue ticking fabric and ta-da! I think the blue ticking fabric looks vintage-y and cute….my husband thinks it looks prison-y. To each his own.
And look who stopped by to give the new mattress a little test run.
Silly Lamp.
Look at that sweet face….I think this might be my favorite Lamp picture yet.
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